
Key Stage 2 PSHE Resource

We've launched our first primary school lesson plans. Aimed at Key Stage 2 learners, and accredited by the PSHE Association, they help pupils develop the tools to make the best choices about what to watch, when and where.

Based on our already extensive work with young people, we launched "Let's Watch a Film! Making choices about what to watch" in 2018, aimed at Key Stage 2 (Year 5/6) children, for teachers keen to help their pupils navigate the fast-changing world of online content - especially watching films online, via apps and on platforms such as Netflix. 

We've been working with the PSHE Association to create lesson plans, supported by comprehensive teacher guidance notes and support materials. The lessons look at age ratings, why they exist, and allow KS2 pupils to consider issues such as:

  • What age ratings are and how they work
  • The suitability of content
  • How they make their own decisions
  • Why regulations and rules are in place
  • Where they should go for more information when deciding what to watch, and how to steer clear of content that might be unsuitable

Making use of our existing resources designed to help children make positive and suitable viewing choices - such as our ratings info - the lessons use a variety of techniques including role play, thought mapping, and scenarios for discussion. 

They also allow pupils to use Rate A Trailer on this website, to think about how and why the BBFC makes decisions about age ratings, and compare those thoughts, processes, and concerns with their own experience, knowledge and interpretation of material they watch. 

In order to download the free PSHE primary resource please go to the form below.

We collect some personal information when you fill in this form.  You can read about why we do this here

We are always keen on feedback so if you've used the resource and have any thoughts please do let us know at

If you would like a Welsh language version of this resource, please email

i) Keeping safe - 1) developing strategies to resist unwanted peer/sibling pressure and behaviour; developing
a pro-active and responsible approach to safety, for example, at home, near water, on the internet, watching television, in school, on the farm, around equipment, in the sun, near fireworks;
• knowing where, when and how to seek help
ii) Information and Communications - Understand how to keep safe and display acceptable online behaviour.

KS2 CBBFC Download